On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 03:24:28PM +0100, Fredrik Thulin wrote:
}   1. What is the purpose of these patches? I'm guessing that what you want
}      to do is being able to include the 'yxa' application elsewhere?
I'm packaging the stack as a library application separate from
the real applications.  The applications now include the yxa stack
library application.  In this way you have more flexibility in
release handling, you can manage the stack itself seperately from
the individual applications.  And yes, if I build an application
using the stack I can create a release package which does not 
include other applications.  This allows you to use the SASL
application more effectively.

I always build systems following the "Embedded Systems User Guide"
[http://erlang.org/doc/embedded/part_frame.html].  This is how to
run an Erlang/OTP application to take full advantage of it's non
stop nature.  To coax Yxa into this framework I configured with:

    ../yxa-src/configure --prefix=/export/home/otpuser/lib/erlang \
            --sbindir=/export/home/otpuser/sbin  \
            --sysconfdir=/export/home/otpuser/etc  \

That gets you close anyway.  To do it properly however what needs
to be done is to use SASL to create a release package and install 
it on the embedded system.  So now I have added a 'make packages'
target which uses systools:make_tar/1 to create release packages
of each of the applications.  You then install a release package 
on the embedded system with the SASL application release_handler
(e.g. release_handler:unpack_release/1).

Unfortunately systools can't handle the non-standard directory
heirachy in the Yxa build environment.  It works however it will
complain about missing source files and they won't make it into
the release package.  My changes to create beam files in ../ebin
helps a lot but the subdirectories (e.g. transportlayer, event)
won't be found.  Moving all the .beam files into one ebin does
however allow the SASL application systools to find them and
sucessfully build a release package.  Otherwise it all has to be
done manually.

}   2. Can VSN's be of the form 1.0pre1? PACKAGE_VERSION have at least in
}      the past been set to such things

The Vsn attribute of the application resource file is a string()
so it's acceptable.  Whether the code loader can figure out which
version is higher when more than one is installed is another matter.
It does this by comparing the directory names in the code path and
choosing the one with the "highest version number".  It'd be better
to stick to the point system (i.e. "1.0.1").

}   3. The patch of yaws/src/yxa_yaws_util.erl seems out of context, and
}      also incorrect?
}   4. Why does the eventserver.app-in have "{included_applications, [yxa]}"
}      commented out? Mistake or something making it special?
Oops.  Ignore the last set of patches.  I will follow up right
now with a new complete set and instructions for use.

}   5. Is there a point in changing the order of the SUBDIRS in
}      src/Makefile.in from their current alphabetic order?

Yes, that was necessary to satisfy dependencies.


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