i actually trying to create a debian system for my borzoi. since the
rootfs from which i start is old (created with a kernel 2.6.24),
trying to upgrade the sid system leads to a problem with udev (needs at
least kernel 2.6.26).
i try creating .config for and 2.6.36 kernel.
for the moment, both fails
(dmesg from load with the :
http://pastebin.com/MCxK8akv    : seems that there is a problem with

for 2.6.36 i builded, nothing starts but the harddrive (?) which i may
hear turn, but the screen doesn't up, nothing seems to respond.

i may provide you my buggy .config, but i think there is no interest.
tell me if you want.

so, i wondered if you could give me one of your last .config for the
latest kernel that works, in order that i could try to create a debian
environment for my zaurus.

Thank you :)

flux / Franck

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