Mayka said:  " You right and there is no attachment to any of those
sensations appearing in the body and in the mind."


How can a person ever be certain that he/she is not possessed by an
attachment or an aversion? Would not others, and epecially one's own
guide (zen, spiritual or pychological) be more reliable judges of one's
state of evolution?

Thank you,


--- In, Mayka wrote:
> Hi Siska:
> My experience of sitting down varies from day to day, different
periods of my life, of the year....The only think that is alike is
having the awareness of the in and out breathing as the anchor that
unites my body and mind as one. It's also alike the acknowledgement of
all senses working at high speed.  You right and there is no attachment
to any of those sensations appearing in the body and in the mind.
> Thanks for your sharing.
> Mayka

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