have you considered it as cruel?... usually those who have nothing to offer 
resort to teasing..merle

Just winding you up. You know it's a favourite pastime of mine : )


Sent from Yahoo! Mail for iPad 

 From:  Merle Lester <merlewiit...@yahoo.com>; 
To:  Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com <Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com>; 
Subject:  [Zen] the human mind 
Sent:  Sun, Aug 25, 2013 1:40:51 AM 


 meaning  what? MIKE.... maybe just maybe you have not even arrived?...
filled with preconceived ideas and prejudices...
 ..dust yourself off
 and try using the  refresh on keyboard...


Don't worry, Merle. It's not a completion - you'll catch up one day.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail for iPad 



 interesting bill..your streaks ahead in consciousness..merle


No and Yes...

The "no" part is that I experienced Buddha Nature on my own before encountering 
zen.  I'm sure we all have.  When we were infants before our intellect was 
developed enough to create the delusion of duality/plurality I believe we were 
experiencing Buddha Nature.  Also, even later, when we became completely 
absorbed in something, like sports or art or nature, we also may have 
experienced Buddha Nature.  In my case however I just did not know what it was 
and its significance.

The "yes" part is that it was first reading about zen (Alan Watts) and then 
formal Zen Buddhist training (Japanese Rinzai and Soto schools) that enabled me 
to rediscover Buddha Nature, learn to purposely experience it, appreciate its 
significance and begin to integrate it more fully into my daily life.


--- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, uerusuboyo@... wrote:
> Bill!,<br/><br/>Would you agree that you probably would never have 
> experienced 'zen' without Siddharta Gotama's enlightenment and the spreading 
> of the sutras? I agree that experiencing Buddha Nature is not intrinsically 
> dependent on them, but it may as well be. Without Buddha's rediscovering of 
> Buddha Nature we'd probably still be believing in souls and the reality of an 
> ego. <br/><br/>Mike<br/><br/><br/>Sent from Yahoo! Mail for iPad



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