> was running the card in RAID0 and getting random
> corrupted bytes on
> reads that went away when I switched to JBOD.

Then it kind of sounds like a card problem rather than a cable problem.

Perhaps there's a very basic definition issue here:  when I use the term 
'consumer', I'm referring to the people who buy a computer and never open up 
the case, not to people who fool around with RAID cards.  I'm referring to 
people who would likely say "What?" if you referred to Linux.  I'm referring to 
people who would be extremely unlikely to be found participating in this forum.

In other words, to the overwhelming majority of PC users, who don't want to 
hear anything that suggests that they might have to become more intimately 
involved with their computer in order to make it better (let alone 'better' in 
the relatively marginal and fairly abstruse ways that ZFS would).

I'd include most Mac users as well, except that they've just suffered a major 
disruption to their world-view by being told that moving to the 
previously-despised Intel platform constitutes an *upgrade* - so if you can 
give them any excuse to think that ZFS is superior (and not available on 
Windows) they'll likely grab for it like desperate voyagers on the Titanic 
grabbed for life savers (hey, Steve's no dummy).

People like you and me with somewhat more knowledge about computers are like 
airline employees who tend to choose their seats with an eye toward crash 
survivability:  no, this probably won't mean they'll survive a crash, but it 
makes them feel better to be doing the little that they can.  And they just 
accept the fact that the rest of the world would prefer not to think that they 
had to worry about crashes at all (if they thought otherwise, a lot more planes 
would be built with their seats facing backward).

- bill
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