can you guess? wrote:
> ...
>  I
>> was running the card in RAID0 and getting random
>> corrupted bytes on
>> reads that went away when I switched to JBOD.
> Then it kind of sounds like a card problem rather than a cable problem.
> Perhaps there's a very basic definition issue here:  when I use the term 
> 'consumer', I'm referring to the people who buy a computer and never open up 
> the case, not to people who fool around with RAID cards.  I'm referring to 
> people who would likely say "What?" if you referred to Linux.  I'm referring 
> to people who would be extremely unlikely to be found participating in this 
> forum.
> In other words, to the overwhelming majority of PC users, who don't want to 
> hear anything that suggests that they might have to become more intimately 
> involved with their computer in order to make it better (let alone 'better' 
> in the relatively marginal and fairly abstruse ways that ZFS would).

Statistically there are a lot of them.  But I've known lots of 
early-adopters with no professional computer background (one of them has 
*since then* done some tech-writing work) who built machines from parts, 
replaced motherboards, upgraded the processors in "non-upgradeable" 
MACs, ran OS/2, even converted themselves to Linux, on their home 
systems.  These are consumer users too. 

> I'd include most Mac users as well, except that they've just suffered a major 
> disruption to their world-view by being told that moving to the 
> previously-despised Intel platform constitutes an *upgrade* - so if you can 
> give them any excuse to think that ZFS is superior (and not available on 
> Windows) they'll likely grab for it like desperate voyagers on the Titanic 
> grabbed for life savers (hey, Steve's no dummy).

Long-time MAC users must be getting used to having their entire world 
disrupted and having to re-buy all their software.  This is at least the 
second complete flag-day (no forward or backwards compatibility) change 
they've been through.

David Dyer-Bennet, [EMAIL PROTECTED];

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