Hi all,

I moved from Sol 10 Update4 to update 6.

Before doing this I exported both of my zpools, and replace the discs 
containing the ufs root on with two new discs (these discs did not have any 
zpool /zfs info and are raid mirrored in hardware)

Once I had installed update6 I did a zpool import, but it only shows (and was 
able to) import one of the two pools.

Looking at dmesg it appears as though I have lost one drive (although they are 
all physically accounted for).  However both my pools are running raidz2 so 
even if I had lost one disc (another matter) I would still be able to expect to 
import them.

If I swap back to my ufs root discs for update 4 then I can see the pool with 

I'm stuck as to what to do next?  Anyone any ideas?
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