We're currently using the Sun bundled Samba to provide CIFS access to our
ZFS user/group directories.

I found a bug in active directory integration mode, where if a user is in
more than 32 active directory groups, samba calls setgroups with a group
list of greater than 32, which fails, resulting in the user having
absolutely no group privileges beyond their primary group.

I opened a Sun service request, #71547904, to try and get this resolved.
When I initially opened it, I did not know what the underlying problem was.
However, I wasn't making any progress through Sun tech support, so I ended
up installing the Sun samba source code package and diagnosing the problem
myself. In addition, I provided Sun technical report with a simple two line
patch that fixes the problem.

Unfortunately, I am getting the complete run around on this issue and after
almost 2 months have been unable to get the problem fixed.

They keep telling me that support for more than 32 groups in Solaris is not
a bug, but rather an RFE. I completely agree -- I'm not asking for Solaris
to support more than 32 groups (although, as an aside, it sure would be
nice if it did -- 32 is pretty small nowadays; I doubt this will get fixed
in Solaris 10, but anyone have any idea about possible progress on that in
openSolaris?); all I'm asking is that samba be fixed so the user at
least gets the first 32 groups they are in rather than none at all. That is
the behavior of a local login or over NFS, the effective group privileges
are that of the first 32 groups.

Evidently the samba engineering group is in Prague. I don't know if it is a
language problem, or where the confusion is coming from, but even after
escalating this through our regional support manager, they are still
refusing to fix this bug and claiming it is an RFE.

I think based on the information I provided it should be blindingly obvious
that this is a bug, with a fairly trivial fix. I'm pretty sure if they had
just fixed it rather than spent all this time arguing about it would
have taken less time and resources than they've already wasted 8-/.

While not directly a ZFS problem, I was hoping one of the many intelligent
and skilled Sun engineers that hang out on this mailing list :) might do me
a big favor, look at SR#71547904, confirm that it is actually a bug, and
use their internal contacts to somehow convince the samba sustaining
engineering group to fix it? Please?

Thanks much...

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768
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