> From: zfs-discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org [mailto:zfs-discuss-
> boun...@opensolaris.org] On Behalf Of Tiernan OToole
> I am in the process of planning a system which will have 2 ZFS servers, one on
> site, one off site. The on site server will be used by workstations and 
> servers
> in house, and most of that will stay in house. There will, however, be data i
> want backed up somewhere else, which is where the offsite server comes
> in... This server will be sitting in a Data Center and will have some storage
> available to it (the whole server currently has 2 3Tb drives, though they are
> not dedicated to the ZFS box, they are on VMware ESXi). There is then some
> storage (currently 100Gb, but more can be requested) of SFTP enabled
> backup which i plan to use for some snapshots, but more on that later.
> Anyway, i want to confirm my plan and make sure i am not missing anything
> here...
> * build server in house with storage, pools, etc...
> * have a server in data center with enough storage for its reason, plus the
> extra for offsite backup
> * have one pool set as my "offsite" pool... anything in here should be backed
> up off site also...
> * possibly have another set as "very offsite" which will also be pushed to the
> SFTP server, but not sure...
> * give these pools out via SMB/NFS/iSCSI
> * every 6 or so hours take a snapshot of the 2 offsite pools.
> * do a ZFS send to the data center box
> * nightly, on the very offsite pool, do a ZFS send to the SFTP server
> * if anything goes wrong (my server dies, DC server dies, etc), Panic,
> download, pray... the usual... :)
> Anyway, I want to make sure i am doing this correctly... Is there anything on
> that list that sounds stupid or am i doing anything wrong? am i missing
> anything?
> Also, as a follow up question, but slightly unrelated, when it comes to the 
> Send, i could use SSH to do the send, directly to the machine... Or i could
> upload the compressed, and possibly encrypted dump to the server... Which,
> for resume-ability and speed, would be suggested? And if i where to go with
> an upload option, any suggestions on what i should use?

It is recommended, whenever possible, you should pipe the "zfs send" directly 
into a "zfs receive" on the receiving system.  For two solid reasons:

If a single bit is corrupted, the whole stream checksum is wrong and therefore 
the whole stream is rejected.  So if this occurs, you want to detect it (in the 
form of one incremental failed) and then correct it (in the form of the next 
incremental succeeding).  Whereas, if you store your streams on storage, it 
will go undetected, and everything after that point will be broken.

If you need to do a restore, from a stream stored on storage, then your only 
choice is to restore the whole stream.  You cannot look inside and just get one 
file.  But if you had been doing send | receive, then you obviously can look 
inside the receiving filesystem and extract some individual specifics.

If the recipient system doesn't support "zfs receive," you might consider 
exporting an iscsi device, and allowing the sender system deal with it 
directly.  Or share a filesystem (such as NFS) with the sender system, and let 
the sender create a recipient filesystem inside a file container, so the sender 
can deal with it directly.

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