I've been a happy maczfs and also zfsosx user for several years now.

- the team are amazing at nailing fixes when I've reported issues. I
use zfs 100% of the time for my work and sanity
- while I can't get a clean shutdown atm, it's rare that I need to
anyway, and zfs has my data anyway once sync has completed
- the zfs compatibility across OS is a huge win
- performance is not a constraint for me, and I'm a very heavy user
- datasets and snapshots are almost as nice as openafs vols for management

I'm a heavy user of snapshots and pools, for some inspiration, the LR:

3 main systems, 2x OSX, 1x large FreeBSD physical hosted server.

My main work laptop is a 16GB early 2011 MBP with a small 256GB SSD
for OS, 1 partitions for each of 4 OS, and a large native ZFS 512GB
SSD. Now that I've been using this for a while, I could have survived
with a 64GB OS disk, and a 256GB zfs SSD, but hey. If I could fit more
ram in, I would. The other boxes are bigger (32GB iMac, 64GB FreeBSD
box with ECC RAM, dual disks mirrored ZFS). I use an ashifted zpool
which has made a noticeable difference in performance on all the
systems I've implemented.

I keep my itunes collection (in a zfs filesystem, formD normalisation,
noatime) and use the snapshots to keep an up-to-date read-only zfs
mirror on the other 2 systems. movies are the reverse, after watching
one on the laptop it gets shuffled off to the larger boxes for
permanent storage. zfs send is a very easy way to do a very trustable
backup, once you get past the first potentially large transfers.

All my source code & work lives in a zfs case sensitive noatime
copies=2 filesystem, and I replicate that regularly to my other boxes
as required.

For most customer projects I will have 3 or more VMs running different
configs or operating systems under VMWare Fusion. These each live in
their own zfs filesystem, compressed lz4 noatime case sensitive. I
snapshot these after creation using vagrant install, again after
config, and the changes are replicated using zfs snapshots again to
the other OSX system, and also to the remote FreeBSD box.

Where I can, I spin up these VMs in a zpool-backed ramdisk (with
compression) which means I can fit a 20GB disk image into 16GB of RAM
and still work effectively. I don't confess to knowing how that
actually works but it does. And its very very fast. The specific
config for that image is stored in the main SSD and as I'm not writing
continuously to it while running the VM, things are peachy.

At the end of the project, I can remove the local snapshots as
required, and I archive them onto 32GB SD cards (yup) with a zpool and
copies=2. They're a nice easy archival format, so long as you have
another copy stashed safely too.

A couple of months ago, I had a number of hardware failures on the
MBP, and each time I was able to guarantee that my data was intact,
with full integrity, despite the travesties worked upon it each time
it went to the factory for repair. I'd never have been certain with

I don't have my ~ homedir in zfs just yet, but I've no particular
reason not to move it now other than time constraints. with
normalisation and case insensitivity I don't think I will see the
issues I did under prior versions with less support. Spotlight is not
important to me, and finder behaves itself now under Mavericks and the
new ZFSOSX builds.

In summary, I'm more than happy with the performance once I used
ashift=12 and moved past 8GB ram. Datasets once you get used to them
are extraordinarily useful -- snapshot your config just before a
critical upgrade.



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