Is Worldnet Daily or Newsmax a reliable source for information on current events?  If 
not, what sources do you think are reliable?  I know that Marc likes The Economist.  
What about the rest of you?  I myself don't think that The Economist pumps out bad 
data.  But I do believe it is quite biased in what it decides to report on.  A person 
doesn't have to lie to be dishonest, and neither does a publication.  Telling only one 
side of a story is not honest.

For instance, has any English publication given the Taliban side of the story?  I'll 
bet the answer is no.  How many English language histories of WWII accurately report 
the German point of view even in English translation from the German?

I like to read both sides of any argument, and often it is hard to find more than one 
side.  That always triggers my propaganda alert.  How much of our news is really 
objective reporting rather than propaganda?

John W. Redelfs                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Don't put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the 
day after tomorrow." -- Mark Twain 
"All my opinions are tentative pending further data." --JWR

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