I've heard of these canned food kits.  I heard about it months ago on the
RS list, and our stake has lately been making people aware of them.  The
cannery most people in our stake use is the one in Hendersonville, TN (the
one Sandy & Melinda would us), and I know you can get them there though I
don't know what the cost for them is there.  However, my friend and I are
planning on going down there together in the next month or so to get one of
these kits for each member of our families.  They are a basic year's supply
for one person for roughly $25-30 per person...a good deal, in my book. 
They will go along nicely with what we have, and give us the grain we need
to fill out our supply.

Heidi the fair

> [Original Message]
> From: Dan R Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > Date: 10/2/2002 2:17:27 PM
> Subject: Re: [ZION] Ways food storage could be activated
> Dan writes,
> >The Church is certainly _trying_ to make this easier; Have they started
> >talking about the prepackaged food kits in your area yet?
> ---
> Sandy:
> I've heard of pre-packaged food kits, especially along the lines
> of MRE's, but they're usually produced or distributed by a
> third party company, such as Emergency Preparedness out of
> Orem, UT.  I think you can get one person-year's worth of
> rations so described for around $2500-3000.  Maybe a little
> less when it's on sale.
> Dan:
> No, these are being put out by the Church Canneries, at least here in
> They consist of two boxes containing #10 cans of Wheat, Beans, Oatmeal,
> Powered Milk along with Sugar, Oil, Salt etc. The two boxes contain enough
> food to feed an adult (supposably) for 1 month, and cost ~$26. We've been
> getting a lot of encouragement from the Stake level to take advantage of
> this, so was just wondering if anyone else had heard of it.
> Sandy:
> Which reminds me...how long would Chef Boyardee last as a
> food storage item?  =)  Or canned goods, generally?  We
> could probably start our food storage program with some
> canned goods, some pasta, and a few bottles of Paul Newman
> salad dressing . . .
> Dan:
> From what I've been hearing, not as long as you might think - At least
> a nutritional standpoint.
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Heidi Page

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