After careful consideration, Marc A. Schindler wrote:
>The *only* incident of violence I can think of that accompanied the fall 
>of the
>Wall was the throwing out of and the subsequent brutal execution of the
>Ceausecu's in Romania.

This is why I don't really believe that communism "fell" in Russia.  Evil 
men don't give up power without shedding copious amounts of blood.  I 
personally believe that these evil Gadiantons in Russia have just put on a 
disguise and are now calling themselves something else.  Wasn't Putin a 
former big shot in the KGB or somesuch?  Well, the KGB was a Mafia like 
organization.  You don't leave that kind of organization except in a 
box.  Putin is still very much alive, hence he is still involved with 
whatever organization he was then.  They are just masquerading as freedom 
loving democrats (lower case "d").

It is all deception.  The devil is the Master of Deceit.  And he has 
greater power over men during these last few hours of the telestial earth 
than at any previous time in the history of the world except immediately 
preceding the Great Flood.

Trivia time:  Whatever became of Gorbachev?  And what is he doing now?

John W. Redelfs                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The gospel, the kingdom of God, can prosper only in an
atmosphere of freedom." --Ezra Taft Benson
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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