What Brigham Young had to say about the "symbolic" story of Jericho:

If we are the people of God, we are to be the richest people on the 
earth, and these riches are to be held in God, not in the devil. God 
tells us how we may accomplish this, as plainly and as surely as he told 
 Joshua and the people of Israel how to cause the downfall of the walls 
of Jericho. They were to march around the walls once a day for seven 
days, then seven times in one day, and the last time they went round the 
walls they blew their horns with all their might, and down fell the 
walls of Jericho. We do not understand all about this, if we did, we 
should understand that it was as simple as any of the acts of the Lord: 
as simple as being baptized for the remission of sins.  (Journal of 
Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 
17: 45 - 46.)

Mij Ebaboc

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