I quoted you the exact wording that made my point. I do not need to "spin"
anything. Here it is again, since you keep deleting it in your responses, so
please either do me the courtesy of addressing the issue, or admit either apathy
(which is fine if you're tired of discussing it) or error:

Are you saying that the following doesn't say the US saw it first?

"The U.S. government has made copies of the Iraqi weapons declaration and
distributed them to the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and
other council members with expertise to assess the declaration for
proliferation-sensitive information, State Department deputy spokesman Philip
Reeker said at the daily media briefing in Washington December 10.

" Reeker said once such information has been deleted, a working document will be
made available to other members of the council as soon as possible."

And again, in the Q&A session:

"Question: There have been some grumblings on the sideline about Washington taking
the first set of documents and whisking them down here to copy them off. Have  you
received any messages like that from Permanent 5 members or other Security Council

" Mr. Reeker: No. And, in fact, all Permanent 5 members have their copies, as I
think  we talked about yesterday. As I mentioned, based on the Council president's
decision -- which was an appropriate one and consistent with the resolution -- we
assisted in ensuring the safeguards against release, transmission of
proliferation-sensitive  information, making sure that that was not jeopardized.

" So we did the copying of this. We got the copies to all of those members with
that  expertise and all together we will be assessing the full document to see
about  proliferation-sensitive information so that then we can make available to
other members of the Council a working document as soon as possible."

Now tell me: how is it possible to do copying for others when you don't have the
document yourself to begin with?


> Marc Schindler:
> That was not my point at all. Please reread it. ...
> You are not criticizing what I wrote, but how you *read* it.
> _______________
> I'm not criticizing anything.  You are ignoring my point and I
> am ignoring your bait.
> Spin on.
> Larry Jackson
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Knowledge may give weight, but accomplishments give lustre, and many more people
see than weigh.” – Lord Chesterfield

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
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