Continuing the line of discussion that George nicely began:

"Classic" miracles, in my bumble opinion, are less impressive to the 21st
century human.  There was a hilarious re-telling of a 1960 comic story
(the JLA origin, if anyone's interested) in which one of the main
characters, a Martian, finds his cover blown.  Instead of the 1959/1960
panic from the crowd, the 1990 version crowd wondered if Spielberg was
making a movie.

The miracles which impress me, even after 13 years in the Church, aren't
the ones which can be reproduced with technology.  It's when I see a
human heart softened, a mind opened.  If any of you knew how stubborn I
was in opposition to "organized religion" (and there's some debate
whether we behave as if we're organized) you'd think I had a personality
transplant -- as many of my old friends DO think.  These sort of things
leave me more awestruck than, for example, seeing my daughter's twisted
back straightened by 40+% (with no medical treatment) right after she
received her endowments.  (Mind you, I'm extremely grateful and

What miracles seem miraculous to you?

"Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you
are doing the impossible."

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