And Chet - what was the effect of the miracles you cited on the faith you
enjoy?  I suspect that your faith was strengthed by the manifestations of
Gods love and interest in your daughter.

Mine is when I read or am involved in a  manifestation of the power of God
and His interest in me and mine.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chet Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 6:36 AM
Subject: [ZION] Miracles (was: Mars

> Continuing the line of discussion that George nicely began:
> "Classic" miracles, in my bumble opinion, are less impressive to the 21st
> century human.  There was a hilarious re-telling of a 1960 comic story
> (the JLA origin, if anyone's interested) in which one of the main
> characters, a Martian, finds his cover blown.  Instead of the 1959/1960
> panic from the crowd, the 1990 version crowd wondered if Spielberg was
> making a movie.
> The miracles which impress me, even after 13 years in the Church, aren't
> the ones which can be reproduced with technology.  It's when I see a
> human heart softened, a mind opened.  If any of you knew how stubborn I
> was in opposition to "organized religion" (and there's some debate
> whether we behave as if we're organized) you'd think I had a personality
> transplant -- as many of my old friends DO think.  These sort of things
> leave me more awestruck than, for example, seeing my daughter's twisted
> back straightened by 40+% (with no medical treatment) right after she
> received her endowments.  (Mind you, I'm extremely grateful and
> impressed.)
> What miracles seem miraculous to you?
> *jeep!
>    --Chet
> "Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you
> are doing the impossible."
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