Gordon B. Hinckley, "Stand True and Faithful," Ensign, May 1996, 91 
"I urge each of you young women to get all of the schooling you can get.
You will need it for the world into which you will move. Life is becoming
so exceedingly competitive. Experts say that the average man or woman,
during his or her working career, can expect to have at least five
different jobs. The world is changing, and it is so very important that
we equip ourselves to move with that change. But there is a bright side
to all of this. No other generation in all of history has offered women
so many opportunities." 

Here a couple of years after Bensen died the prophet is letting the woman
know that work and jobs for woman is inevitable and the “WORLD IS
Don’t you blue collar men feel less then men because your wives have to
You know how it is. The white collar men are quite comfortable in what
they earn but are blissfully ignorant of what it is like to make sorry
wages in this day and age. Thank God we have a prophet that has foreseen
the future and prepared our woman for what was coming.
Paul O
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