> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Matkin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 8:39 AM
> Subject: Re: [ZION] Cognitive Dissonance
> ----->
> > But the Book of Mormon is still the Word of God, right?  --JWR
> Yes. And it tells us all about the sons of Mosiah doesn't it?  How they
> received
> a great promise of safety from the Lord for their mission of love and
> service and how
> they enjoyed miraculous success among a lost and fallen people by being
> kind and loving and offering something much better and sharper than
> the sword of war and contention.
> The Lord warns us in the passages you quote not to settle for less, not to
> adopt lesser creeds or accept for ourselves counterfeits to the
> real truth.
> He does it forcefully. But there is ample evidence that he loves everyone,
> that he wants us to love an serve each other, regardless of our religion.
> He is Father to us all and values everyone. Certainly the book of Mormon
> asks us not to touch the unclean thing and come out from the world and
> gather as a covenant people, but that does not change the fact
> that all men
> are brothers of the same spiritual father, and because of the
> gift of agency
> no one can be forced to accept the gospel in its fullness.  So what's the
> best way to influence a free agent. Love him.  Remember my own mantra,
> whatever the question, the answer is love.  I think President Hinckley
> operates like that.
> Tom

Tom, I like the way you think. Although, all things considered, I'd like to
think President Hinckley argues to be in the world, but not of it.  Which is
not a bad place to be if you can do it.


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