I don't believe the sons of perdition will be few in number. I believe we have sufficient scriptures to prove otherwise, notwithstanding many will go telestial. The people that go telestial will still have to repent in order for that to be done. I've seen some people who would never accept Jesus under any circumstances. These people wish to live in their sins. Aren't I right in suggesting that anyone who wishes to live through eternity with their sins will go to perdition?


At 07:01 PM 11/05/2003 -0500, you wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John W. Redelfs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 6:42 PM
> Subject: RE: [ZION] Repentance from adultery (was: RE: Is God's Love
> Unconditional?)
> Ron Scott wrote:
> >The scripture above deliniates how the the church organization
> should deal
> >with adultery, IMO.  Bear in mind that denying the Holy Ghost
> transforms one
> >into a candidate for a bunk with the Sons of Perdition.  And, we've been
> >told that the Sons will be FEW IN NUMBER -- as few as the
> fingers on one's
> >hand.
> I've heard this for year, but I suspect that it is folk doctrine.  Can
> anyone actually authentic it with references to scripture or the
> utterances
> of the Presidents of the Church?  --JWR<<

Sure. Just as soon as I finish running down your request on GBH and
unconditional love. What is this, a test? Your perverse way of getting me to
read the scriptures and conference addresses (Mel will be proud of you,
John. And, you know to whom he talks)? But if you've heard the SOP described
that way  for years, why don't you run it down yourself. You've got the same
access I have to all the church infobases. Moreover, I think you misled me
John when you claimed the volume on ZION was down.  Are we having fun yet?


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