> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cousin Bill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 10:32 AM
> Subject: Re: [ZION] News sources
> From: "RB Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I think you're right, Jim. But, I still enjoy printed newspapers,
> magazines,
> and books. You can curl up on a cold winter morning with a laptop
> computer.
> ----------
> Not to mention the crossword puzzle.

Yes, especially the crossword.  While working I do it on line (it's always
looks so tidy), but Sunday, give me the magazine.

Another thing about print: wireless communications may lead to more train
commuters reading news on line as they travel...but I'll be a buck few will
give up their printed sources. One of the few great joys of commuting by
train, which I did (Connecticut to NYC) for 15 years, was the two hours each
day of uninterrupted reading and the daily habit of pouring through three
newspapers, a magazine or a good book. Although many Bostonians do commute
by train, unfortunately it's not appropriate for me.


> Cousin Bill
> "Our country, right or wrong.  When
> right, to be kept right.  When wrong,
> to be put right." -- Carl Schurz
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