Excellent! Since it was Val's idea, we'll let her set up a few possible 
dates when we can have this, etc; then we can all work toward doing it. 
Another option is to all meet at a local temple (Louisville, Nauvoo, 
etc), with lunch/dinner afterward.


mormonyoyoman wrote:
> Talked me into it.  The last face-to-face Zion List Convention (so
> officially named by no one in particular) was when I met with -- uh, a
> fellow named Dave who, with Dave Crockett, started a good news list 
> which
> was assimilated by InfoBases -- and another bearded fellow whose name 
> also
> escapes me..  With my memory, I'm not sure if I'd remember to show up -- 
> or
> if I'd remember whether I'd been there or not.
> *jeep!
>  ---Chet
> "If ya thinks ya is right, ya deserfs credit - even if ya is wrong."  
> --Gus
> Segar via Popeye
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Gerald Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 12:14 PM
> Subject: RE: [ZION] J. Reuben Clark
> > What a great idea!  Let's set a date for May sometime, maybe?

Gerald (Gary) Smith
geraldsmith@ juno.com

///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
///  http://www.zionsbest.com/charter.html      ///
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