> >I'd sort of like to know how it does that reliably ... does it fork
> >and enter the zone?
> It does not resolve names local to the local zones; but it can easily
> find all the appropriate uids and processes.  No different from traditional
> Solaris with multiple interfaces.

Oh.  I though that pidentd was supposed to resolve UIDs locally.
That's one of the features of the protocol; it provides "here's who
*I* think the user is" information back to the requester.

> >In any event, I think that getting something other than /dev/kmem for
> >these sorts of applications (pidentd isn't the only one; there's also
> >lsof and probably ntop as well) would be a _very_ nice thing to have.
> Yep.  But defining an interface is hairy, specially considering locking
> and performance.


James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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