Dennis wrote:
> Thanks for your help. We decided to try it with 40 zones first, then we will
> see if we can run some additional ones. However, there are some more question
> I have.

> - How can I measure the RAM usage of each zone?

"prstat -Z" or, if you enable rcapd, rcapstat(1).

> - After disabling a service, will it stay disabled after the reboot?

Assuming you're using "svcadm disable <service>" the answer is "Yes."

> - How can I measure the traffic each zone causes since "snoop -d nge0:1" does 
> not work?
> - Can I run a command in a zone from the global zone? Something like 
> zlogin zone1 run "uname -a"

zlogin zone1 uname -a

Jeff VICTOR              Sun Microsystems            jeff.victor @
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