On Thu 30 Apr 2009 at 08:29AM, solarg wrote:
> hello all,
> i have a machine with os2008.11 that serves as a web server, and has 
> many zones installed.
> I'm surprised by the size of zones:
> # zfs list
> NAME                                           USED  AVAIL  REFER MOUNTPOINT
> rpool/zones/catalogue2/ROOT/zbe               4.49G  17.9G  7.47G  legacy
> rpool/zones/catalogue3/ROOT/zbe                149M  17.9G  6.80G  legacy
> rpool/zones/test-drupal/ROOT/zbe               511M  17.9G  5.21G  legacy
> on another os2008.11 machine, i created a new zone, and don't notice 
> these high values:
> # zfs list
> NAME                               USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
> rpool/export/catalogue4           4.07M  16.1G    21K  /export/catalogue4
> rpool/export/catalogue4/ROOT      4.05M  16.1G    18K  legacy
> rpool/export/catalogue4/ROOT/zbe  4.03M  16.1G   235M  legacy
> what is the meaning of REFER? can i gain more space?
> thanks for help,


I can make a guess:  I suspect that space in your zones is being
consumed by data which is 'stuck' in zfs snapshots.  Can you do a 'zfs
list -t all'?  You might have an automatic snapshot service turned on,
or have manually made snapshots.

Or you might be using zfs clones?  It would be nice to see the output of:

zfs list -t all -o name,used,refer,origin


Daniel Price, Solaris Kernel Engineering    http://blogs.sun.com/dp
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