On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 5:11 PM, Mike Gerdts <mike.ger...@oracle.com> wrote:

>> 3)zfs dataset requirement
> How does this negatively impact you or other users?  As of Solaris 11
> Express, this requirement means that you have to run 'zfs create' once
> to create a ZFS filesystem that will be the parent of an arbitrry number
> of zones.
> I personally would not advocate a configuration where each zone is not
> on its own file system because a disk hog in one zone can deny service
> to other zones.

    Be very careful here. If you allocate all of your Zones from a
single zpool and do NOT use quotas (and reservations) you can have one
Zone run the others out of disk space. Does the automatic (under the
covers) zfs create in Solaris 11 also automate setting reasonable
quotas and reservations ?

    I don't want folks who are less familiar with ZFS to make that mistake.

> While I was working for a Fortune 10 company and
> introduced zones early in Solaris 10's life, I ensured that every zone
> had its own file system on a SVM soft partition.  This approach worked
> well for many years, but took a significant amount of effort to
> automate.  The integration of ZFS and Zones simplifies this type of
> architecture greatly.

    We have used almost exclusively sparse root zones; for the space
efficiency, the global patching model, and the security of a read only
OS. I will be sorry to see the option of a sparse root zone go away.

Paul Kraus
-> Senior Systems Architect, Garnet River ( http://www.garnetriver.com/ )
-> Sound Designer: Frankenstein, A New Musical
-> Sound Coordinator, Schenectady Light Opera Company (
http://www.sloctheater.org/ )
-> Technical Advisor, RPI Players
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