>> I don't really understand how the unit test system is meant to work.

Yes, C tests start ZK server and are tested against it. There are a few that
use mocked server, but that's a legacy code I think.

Re the problem itself:
1) check ZK server logs at build/tmp/ , maybe log contains some info about
why the server fails to start
2) are you absolutely sure you have no zk processes running? I usually do
"ps -ef | grep zoo" and it always helps

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Martin Waite <waite....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> A little more information.
> The file TEST-Zookeeper_simpleSystem-st.txt contains some log data:
> 2010-08-03 13:00:13,550:11391:zoo_i...@zookeeper_init@727: Initiating
> client
> connection, host= sessionTimeout=10000 watcher=0x8078ed8
> sessionId=0 sessionPasswd=<null> context=0xbfffd73c flags=0
> 2010-08-03 13:00:14,553:11391:zoo_er...@handle_socket_error_msg@1579:
> Socket
> [] zk retcode=-4, errno=111(Connection refused): server
> refused to accept the client
> I don't really understand how the unit test system is meant to work.
>  Does
> it start a zk server process and then run tests against that ?  Or are the
> underlying libraries being tested without using a zk server ?
> regards,
> Martin
> On 3 August 2010 13:02, Martin Waite <waite....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Mahadev,
> >
> > Sorry for the delay in replying:  I have been away.
> >
> > I have rebuilt my debian lenny machine, and started again.
> >
> > Again, I have the same problem:
> >
> > ~/zookeeper-3.3.1/src/c$ make run-check
> >
> > make  zktest-st zktest-mt
> > make[1]: Entering directory `/home/martin/zookeeper-3.3.1/src/c'
> > make[1]: `zktest-st' is up to date.
> > make[1]: `zktest-mt' is up to date.
> > make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/martin/zookeeper-3.3.1/src/c'
> > ./zktest-st
> > ./tests/zkServer.sh: line 52: kill: (9432) - No such process
> >
> >  ZooKeeper server startedRunning
> > Zookeeper_operations::testPing : elapsed 1 : OK
> > Zookeeper_operations::testTimeoutCausedByWatches1 : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_operations::testTimeoutCausedByWatches2 : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_operations::testOperationsAndDisconnectConcurrently1 : elapsed
> 1
> > : OK
> >
> > Zookeeper_operations::testOperationsAndDisconnectConcurrently2 : elapsed
> 0
> > : OK
> > Zookeeper_operations::testConcurrentOperations1 : elapsed 203 : OK
> >
> > Zookeeper_init::testBasic : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_init::testAddressResolution : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_init::testMultipleAddressResolution : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_init::testNullAddressString : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_init::testEmptyAddressString : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_init::testOneSpaceAddressString : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_init::testTwoSpacesAddressString : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_init::testInvalidAddressString1 : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_init::testInvalidAddressString2 : elapsed 1 : OK
> > Zookeeper_init::testNonexistentHost : elapsed 1 : OK
> >
> > Zookeeper_init::testOutOfMemory_init : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_init::testOutOfMemory_getaddrs1 : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_init::testOutOfMemory_getaddrs2 : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_init::testPermuteAddrsList : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_close::testCloseUnconnected : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_close::testCloseUnconnected1 : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_close::testCloseConnected1 : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_close::testCloseFromWatcher1 : elapsed 0 : OK
> > Zookeeper_simpleSystem::testAsyncWatcherAutoResetterminate called after
> > throwing an instance of 'CppUnit::Exception'
> >   what():  equality assertion failed
> > - Expected: -101
> > - Actual  : -4
> >
> > make: *** [run-check] Aborted
> >
> > I have checked for a stale zk process:  there are none.
> >
> > Any ideas please ?
> >
> > regards,
> > Martin
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On 14 July 2010 18:37, Mahadev Konar <maha...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
> >
> >> HI Martin,
> >>  Can you check if you have a stale java process (ZooKeeperServer)
> running
> >> on your machine? That might cause some issues with the tests.
> >>
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> mahadev
> >>
> >>
> >> On 7/14/10 8:03 AM, "Martin Waite" <waite....@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> > Hi,
> >> >
> >> > I am attempting to build the C client on debian lenny.
> >> >
> >> > autoconf, configure, make and make install all appear to work cleanly.
> >> >
> >> > I ran:
> >> >
> >> > autoreconf -if
> >> > ./configure
> >> > make
> >> > make install
> >> > make run-check
> >> >
> >> > However, the unit tests fail:
> >> >
> >> > $ make run-check
> >> > make  zktest-st zktest-mt
> >> > make[1]: Entering directory `/home/martin/zookeeper-3.3.1/src/c'
> >> > make[1]: `zktest-st' is up to date.
> >> > make[1]: `zktest-mt' is up to date.
> >> > make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/martin/zookeeper-3.3.1/src/c'
> >> > ./zktest-st
> >> > ./tests/zkServer.sh: line 52: kill: (17711) - No such process
> >> >  ZooKeeper server startedRunning
> >> > Zookeeper_operations::testPing : elapsed 1 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_operations::testTimeoutCausedByWatches1 : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_operations::testTimeoutCausedByWatches2 : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_operations::testOperationsAndDisconnectConcurrently1 :
> elapsed
> >> 2 :
> >> > OK
> >> > Zookeeper_operations::testOperationsAndDisconnectConcurrently2 :
> elapsed
> >> 0 :
> >> > OK
> >> > Zookeeper_operations::testConcurrentOperations1 : elapsed 206 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_init::testBasic : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_init::testAddressResolution : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_init::testMultipleAddressResolution : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_init::testNullAddressString : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_init::testEmptyAddressString : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_init::testOneSpaceAddressString : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_init::testTwoSpacesAddressString : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_init::testInvalidAddressString1 : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_init::testInvalidAddressString2 : elapsed 2 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_init::testNonexistentHost : elapsed 108 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_init::testOutOfMemory_init : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_init::testOutOfMemory_getaddrs1 : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_init::testOutOfMemory_getaddrs2 : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_init::testPermuteAddrsList : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_close::testCloseUnconnected : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_close::testCloseUnconnected1 : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_close::testCloseConnected1 : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_close::testCloseFromWatcher1 : elapsed 0 : OK
> >> > Zookeeper_simpleSystem::testAsyncWatcherAutoResetterminate called
> after
> >> > throwing an instance of 'CppUnit::Exception'
> >> >   what():  equality assertion failed
> >> > - Expected: -101
> >> > - Actual  : -4
> >> >
> >> > make: *** [run-check] Aborted
> >> >
> >> > This appears to come from tests/TestClient.cc - but beyond that, it is
> >> hard
> >> > to identify which equality assertion failed.
> >> >
> >> > Help !
> >> >
> >> > regards,
> >> > Martin
> >>
> >>
> >

Regards, Sergey

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