I was wondering if it perhaps would make sense to move the
ActionSucceededEvent notification after the reindexing of the
workflow status has been done?

doActionFor(...) calls _invokeWithNotification(...) and the bottom
of that method looks like this:

def _invokeWithNotification(self, wfs, ob, action, func, args, kw):
        for w in wfs:
            w.notifySuccess(ob, action, res)
            notify(ActionSucceededEvent(ob, w, action, res))
        if reindex:
        return res

In an event handler I would like to use the catalog and search for published objects, but it's not possible because the catalog is updated after the event
handler is triggered.

I would like it look like this:

def _invokeWithNotification(self, wfs, ob, action, func, args, kw):
        if reindex:
        for w in wfs:
            w.notifySuccess(ob, action, res)
            notify(ActionSucceededEvent(ob, w, action, res))
        return res

Or do people have use cases where the current logic is better?

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