> This was causing a segmentation fault on a Sun Solaris box.
> On Windows, I got an actual error message.  While fetching, the cursor
> has a field of ora datatype TimeStamp.  This was crashing DCOracle2.  a
> to_char solved the issue.
> I am using DCOracle2 and Oracle 10 on Solaris (and Windows XP).
> Did anyone run into issues of handling TimeStamp oracle data type with
> DCOracle2?
We had problems with segmentation faults on 64 bit systems.
We didn't realized what caused this (except that it was DCOracle2).
Problem appeared only under high load of our servers so it was hard
to debug. On 32 bit systems everything was ok. Is your problem with
TimeStamp related to 64 bit platform or it happens on 32 bit platforms too?

Maciej Wisniowski
Zope-DB mailing list

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