On Thu, 2011-08-25 at 08:50 +0200, Wolfgang Schnerring wrote:

> However, I feel that this extraction of the registry bits is a little
> too mechanical, and I'd like us to think a little bit about
> alternative approaches before we commit this.
> I envision the ZTK packages (like zope.component) to become more
> standalone, less coupled to "the whole Zope world", but cohesive
> pieces of functionality that can stand on its own.
> In that light, I'd like to ask: what should be in zope.component, and
> what shouldn't? My first stab at an answer goes something like this:
> zope.component (aka the Zope Component Architecture) consists of
> - the Registry concept
> - filling out the Adapter concept of zope.interface
> - the Site concept (setSiteManager, aka hooks.py)
> - integration with zope.event (? a bit unsure here)
> Something like that would make a coherent, usable package, I think.
> At the moment, though, zope.component also contains (triggered via
> different extra_requires):
> - integration with zope.configuration (the <adapter/> and <utility/> 
> directives)
> - integration with zope.security
> - integration with ZODB (persistent registries)
> Those integration bits with "other parts of the Zope world" don't need
> to be in there, I guess -- and as I understand it, precisely those are
> the "hairy" dependencies that impede porting to py3.
> So I'd like to propose to do the split the other way around: Not
> extract the core into something else and leave only a hollowed-out
> shell of integration and miscellany stuff behind, but rather tighten
> zope.component to its core and move the optional integration bits out
> of it, into separate packages.
> What do people think?

I'm -1 on redefining the meaning of zope.component.  Otoh, if the name
"zope.registry" (or the introduction of a new package) is a problem, I'd
suggest we move the stuff that is currently in "zope.registry" to
zope.interface.  zope.interface already contains a bunch of
registry-related code; it'd make complete sense to me.

- C

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