Am 22.06.2006 um 10:40 schrieb Clemens Robbenhaar:

Hi Janko,

The last two releases (1.2 and 1.3) both need to have GenericSetup
installed. I couldn't find a released version of GenericSetup, so I
installed a checkout from the trunk. But this does not work with
Zope-2.8.6, because it needs a newer Five-version (There is an import
from BBB.OFS). Are there spelled out dependencies?

 I cannot help with the spelled out the dependencies, but at least
GenericSetup is here:

Thanks Clemens, silly me to not try the canonical way. I looked in the products list, but probably not intensive enough.


Janko Hauser  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
              mobile: +49 1721 641552

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