Hi again,

Gary Poster wrote:
> I don't have a very strong feeling about it, but lean towards "bug  
> fix".  It didn't break any of our code (or at least any of our  
> tests :-) ) so it seems safe from my perspective.

I was trying to apply the patch to the 3.3 branch and noticed that the
patch isn't compatible, as it requires a restructuring that happened on
the trunk a while ago. This refactoring (r70331) introduces a very small
feature, but the broken behaviour (trying to put anything into
_toFormValue) exists in the old variant as well.

I'd both apply r70331 and r71548 to 3.3 and 3.2 then.


gocept gmbh & co. kg - forsterstraße 29 - 06112 halle/saale - germany
www.gocept.com - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - phone +49 345 122 9889 7 -
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