On Oct 18, 2005, at 4:04 PM, Stephan Richter wrote:

As subject tells, I am looking for the place to configure the
effective_user (as the option I am looking for was called in zope2.conf).
Sorry if this question seems to be dumb, but I do not understand the
logic hidden in the etc directory. Is there maybe a nice article (or man
page) about how to set up Zope3 properly?

What is an "effective user"? We certain do not have anything of this sorts in
Zope 3 yet.

I think he's not actually asking a z3 question, but rather a daemon/process management question.

Tim, I always use daemontools with runzope. Among many other features, deamontools also provides you with ability to set the user/ownership of the daemonized process.


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