On Oct 22, 2006, at 7:41 AM, Benji York wrote:

Perry Smith wrote:
On Oct 21, 2006, at 11:41 PM, Fred Drake wrote:
For Zope 3 are these the right places to look:
Yes, those are the right place.  I've added links to these documents
in the documentation section of the Zope 3 wiki.
Thanks.  They are fairly old.  

That's because those specs, and the software they describe, are stable.

Also, last night, I was reading  about "Content Providers" and "Viewlets and Viewlet Managers" which  are TAL statements not listed in Appendix C or the TAL 1.4 Spec.

Nor should they be.  TAL is extensible, and those statements are extensions to TAL, not part of the standard.

I understand (now) that these specs are independent of Zope.  I hope I am not criticizing.  As a new beginner trying to find out what is in Zope 3, it is really hard to do.  It is great that everything is extensible but I just wish there was a solid single reference where all of "Zope 3" (what I start off when when I download the tar ball) was documented.

The Zope 3 book is not a reference book.  Its closer to a cook book.  And Weitershausen's book is an extended tutorial.  Both are very useful for that purpose but that are not reference books.

Perry Smith
Ease Software, Inc.

SATA Products for IBMs RS/6000, pSeries, and AIX systems

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