What we did was create a Session.fs and added to the zope and zeo conf 
files. Then after restarting the zopes and zeo, in the ZMI, create a 
ZODB mount point and it should see the Session.fs and build the parts in 
the root of the ZMI that you need. Been a long time but I think those 
are the steps. That way the session data is its own data.fs file and is 
persistent across zopes and restarts, etc. The problem is that it IS a 
data.fs file and therefore an undoing storage. You will have to pack it 
the same as your main data file. Not a big deal for us as its not used 
much. Just pack back a couple days so you don't whip any session data 
that could be going on at that moment.

Anyone please chime in if I am missing something. Just taking a shot at 
an answer based on our set up.
Your mileage may vary.


Marko Kruijer wrote:
> I'm maintaining a ZEO cluster setup that currently consists of 2 Zope 
> clients and 1 ZEO server (Zope version is 2.10.5.)
> I'm using sessions on the hosted site and am having trouble sharing them 
> across the 2 servers.
> I've done a config as described here: 
> http://www.zopelabs.com/cookbook/1061234337
> Everything runs fine, except my sessions 'change' randomly. For example 
> if I output my SESSION data I notice that the sessions ID is not 
> persistent over i.e. 10 page loads.
> The contents of the sessions also change, of course.
> Am I missing something here? The central storage of the sessions should 
> fix this if i'm correct, but it doesn't.
> Is this impossible to do, or is another issue causing this stange behaviour?
> best regards,
> Marko
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