That's not my problem, the session is in it's own .fs file, and it is 
The problem is that the two zope clients use different sessions id's for 
the same user, that's not supposed to happen imo.

Allen Schmidt Sr. wrote:
> What we did was create a Session.fs and added to the zope and zeo conf 
> files. Then after restarting the zopes and zeo, in the ZMI, create a 
> ZODB mount point and it should see the Session.fs and build the parts 
> in the root of the ZMI that you need. Been a long time but I think 
> those are the steps. That way the session data is its own data.fs file 
> and is persistent across zopes and restarts, etc. The problem is that 
> it IS a data.fs file and therefore an undoing storage. You will have 
> to pack it the same as your main data file. Not a big deal for us as 
> its not used much. Just pack back a couple days so you don't whip any 
> session data that could be going on at that moment.
> Anyone please chime in if I am missing something. Just taking a shot 
> at an answer based on our set up.
> Your mileage may vary.
> Allen
> Marko Kruijer wrote:
>> I'm maintaining a ZEO cluster setup that currently consists of 2 Zope 
>> clients and 1 ZEO server (Zope version is 2.10.5.)
>> I'm using sessions on the hosted site and am having trouble sharing 
>> them across the 2 servers.
>> I've done a config as described here: 
>> Everything runs fine, except my sessions 'change' randomly. For 
>> example if I output my SESSION data I notice that the sessions ID is 
>> not persistent over i.e. 10 page loads.
>> The contents of the sessions also change, of course.
>> Am I missing something here? The central storage of the sessions 
>> should fix this if i'm correct, but it doesn't.
>> Is this impossible to do, or is another issue causing this stange 
>> behaviour?
>> best regards,
>> Marko
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