Thanks, Rafi...

Eric Whalen is the MindFreedom member who is being targeted by the  
Eli Lilly lawyer e-mail today.

 From what we can understand, there's a new court order (different  
than that served on Jim), but we haven't gotten a copy of that yet.

Eric said we can publicize the exchange of e-mail he had with Eli  
Lilly. A link to that exchange is on our web site inside Update 10,  
feel free to get the info out there:

I wonder if anyone has confirmed that the below referenced mirror  
works... and if so I wonder if that person could possibly e-mail a  
simple sentence or two explaining that (either on this list or  
directly to me), and just a bit about what that means about being "on  
the Tor network"? Then we'll report on that info and put out Update 11.



P.S. This is the disclaimer we have on our web site -- if there's  
anything that should be added let me know, and of course it applies  
to any of our posts on this list -- including this one today -- and  
anything we've placed on the wiki, etc.:

Disclaimers: In the public interest, MindFreedom is forwarding the  
anonymous alerts referred to on this page and in our emails. MFI did  
not originate these alerts, MFI does not vouch for their authenticity  
or accuracy, that's all the information we have, MFI is not providing  
advice about the legality of downloading the materials, MFI is not  
encouraging anyone to do illegal activities, and MFI is not providing  
these materials for download.

[Others may want to routinely be using similar downloads when it  
applies... note that Eli Lilly claims it is gathering info via our  
members' statements.]

On Dec 30, 2006, at 4:00 PM, Rafael wrote:

> Hi David,
> I understand that the .onion mirror is still active, but you need  
> to be
> on the Tor network (  
> to be
> able to see it.
> I am pleased that Lilly has so far not sent our wiki a takedown  
> notice.
> Perhaps they understand that we are operating _fully_ within the
> parameters of the law - conducting an independent analysis and
> conversation around these matters and lawfully linking to, but not
> hosting, the evidence.
> I am also pleased that they continue to carry on with their
> self-destructive legal maneuvers. The end result will be nothing but
> more bad press. Their marketing department must not understand what  
> they
> are trifling with.
> Or, perhaps, there really is something more in those memos that no one
> has yet to turn up - something that they fear more than all the bad
> press over an free speech skirmish. Maybe running an Optical Character
> Recognition engine over the memos and making them searchable will
> accelerate these discoveries.
> I am wondering if we should post links to their threats against  
> joysoup
> up on our wiki?
> /Rafi
> David Oaks wrote:
>> Thanks... glad someone is out there!
>> We've just done an Update 10 with the link to the exchange of e-mail
>> with Eli Lilly today:
>> Actually, I'd appreciate it if anyone can review our alert, and that
>> linked e-mail exchange, and spot anything that needs correction if
>> explanation. If so, spell it out me like I'm three years old
>> (preferably with sentences or paragraphs to insert or add or change.)
>> Then I'd like to 'get this out.'
>> By the way, Mailman lists can be set so that only the administrator
>> has access to the listinfo.
>> David
>> On Dec 30, 2006, at 12:41 PM, Asheesh Laroia wrote:
>>> On Sat, 30 Dec 2006, David Oaks wrote:
>>>> A site apparently offering Zyprexa documents has apparently
>>>> received a note from Eli Lilly attorneys ordering the site owner
>>>> to stop.
>>> That's interesting.  I wonder on what grounds.  Is the note on the
>>> web somewhere?
>>>> By the way, my guess is Eli Lilly attorneys may be on this e-mail
>>>> list by now. If so, hi! At least someone may be getting paid a
>>>> high hourly rate to read about human rights violations related to
>>>> Eli Lilly.
>>> Remember that, as with most Mailman lists, you can look at the
>>> subscriber list if you log in to the listinfo page.
>>> -- Asheesh.
>>> -- 
>>> If you want your spouse to listen and pay strict attention to every
>>> word you say, talk in your sleep.
>> David Oaks, Director
>> MindFreedom International
>> 454 Willamette, Suite 216 - POB 11284
>> Eugene, OR 97440-3484 USA
>> web:
>> office phone: (541) 345-9106
>> fax: (541) 345-3737
>> member services toll free in USA: 1-877-MAD-PRID[e] or 1-877-623-7743
>> United Action for Human Rights in Mental Health.
>> MindFreedom International is an independent
>> non-profit uniting 100 sponsor groups
>> to win human rights & alternatives in mental health.
>> Accredited by the United Nations as a
>> Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with
>> Consultative Roster Status.
>> Join now!
>> "Human salvation lies in the hands of the
>> creatively maladjusted." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
>> _______________________________________________
>> Zyprexa-discuss mailing list

David Oaks, Director
MindFreedom International
454 Willamette, Suite 216 - POB 11284
Eugene, OR 97440-3484 USA

office phone: (541) 345-9106
fax: (541) 345-3737
member services toll free in USA: 1-877-MAD-PRID[e] or 1-877-623-7743

United Action for Human Rights in Mental Health.

MindFreedom International is an independent
non-profit uniting 100 sponsor groups
to win human rights & alternatives in mental health.
Accredited by the United Nations as a
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with
Consultative Roster Status.

Join now!

"Human salvation lies in the hands of the
creatively maladjusted." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Zyprexa-discuss mailing list

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