On 9/2/18, hiro <23h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> i suppose you could check the individual blogs, possibly in an
> automated way by writing some one-liner rc and hget script and publish
> the outcome, plus keep it updated. then perhaps you can figure out if
> this is the kind of information currently lacking.
The book, the book! I think that's what I'll look into. We have Nemo's
commentary and of course Forsyth's (9) man pages, maybe a start would
be to condense knowledge in a "Tiger's" commentary of 9front. I can
already see the two columns of 9legacy and 9front code side by side
(the kernel isn't going to be enough, though, you guys have been way
too busy).

And, while I have your attention, I was a fan of Tanenbaum and Minix.
Is anyone here familiar with Minix v3? Thinking about, isn't a book
precisely what it takes to guarantee an OS eternal life?

Thanks for the thought, Hiro, in my dotage, when evening comes, my
thinking slows down beyond useful pondering, blogs may be just what I
need instead of television. That will almost certainly improve the
quality of my last years.


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