On 9/2/18, hiro <23h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The way I inform myself of valuable contributions to plan 9 these days
> is by watching 9front commit logs and the #cat-v irc channel.
> If there are any valuable commits in David's repository that we should
> apply, please inform us.
I was waiting for the real Hiro to pop out <grin>.

Of course, you're sadly right. On the merit side, 9legacy is
frighteningly stable (ask me, I ain't changed a thing in years), so it
is eminently ready to absorb 9front's commits, if only the effort did
not reduce 9legacy to a stuttering idiot.

Small as Plan 9 is, bringing divergent developments together requires
that scarce resource called humility on all sides. I can only beat
humility into others, no risk of swallowing a dose of it for my own

No, I am joking, which is another side of Plan 9 I cherish: few, if
anyone at all have their livelihood dependent on Plan 9. I actually
can fake humility better than I can fake just about anything else and
people do accept it as real. That's good enough.

To return to 9legacy versus 9front, I'm totally incompetent at this
point, but I'm hoping to familiarise myself with 9front fairly soon,
it is too inviting. But my loyalty to the original Plan 9 source is
very strong, it's hard to tell how it will pan out.

In the meantime, I do have answers I need to pursue, and this is as
good an opportunity as any to say thanks to all who have reply and I
look forward to hearing even the smallest tidbits that may illuminate
the way forward. Unknown to the majority, we are privileged to be
acquainted in some detail with a precious thing, we need, as a
community, to appreciate whatever it is that we can do to nurture it.


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