01.09.2021 02:29:42 kokam...@hera.eonet.ne.jp:
By the way, I made your drawterm-android on my ubuntu-20.04.2 machine.
My android is version 11, and made by Sony (SO-41B).
I now have drawterm.apk file on my home directory, like src/drawterm-android/drawterm.apk

How I can install this to my android?
I'm a novise user of android...

You have to copy the apk file to your android system and install there. If you haven't already stuff like f-droid installed you'll have to enable unknown sources in android. This guide can help: https://www.lifewire.com/install-apk-on-android-4177185

(Note, there are different solutions for different versions, and you can install apps using the adb, the usb android debugger, but I don't assume you want to use it.)

If you need other guides look for "install apk android (version)" or similar.

Btw there's a small known bug: when opening a connection the first time the app crashes silently. Opening it a second time it works without issues.

And there's the mouse offset bug. In my version it's almost the same offset across the whole screen (y-axis), in the original the offset is different.

Good luck


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