Bob wrote:
| At 12:10 PM 02-01-01 +0100, Jean-Francois Moine wrote:
| >$ Starting a new part (P:) or giving a subtitle (T:) silently imply
| >$ switching to the first voice.
| Is the automatic switching to the first voice desirable / necessary? It
| seems to me it would be confusing, particularly if someone had notated some
| multi voice music without part indications and then tried adding them later.

This strikes me as not a good idea  at  all.   It  is  based  on  the
assumption  that  transcribers will always want to intermingle voices
in the abc. But we've already had some software that requires writing
each  part  as a separate block of code, and in some situations, this
is a very reasonable way to write it.  This would  give  abc  of  the


With the above rule, the result of this would be  totally  incorrect,
and  probably baffling to the user.  It would result in the notes for
V:1 being shown for both voices.  The only fix would be a total reorg
of the music.  This would effectively outlaw music in the above form.

I'd think it would be better if V: and P: didn't interact at all.

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