Simon Wascher wrote:
> Frank Nordberg wrote:
> >
> > Just like to tell everybody at abcusers that I've just posted a complete
> > ABC edition of Tielman Susato's "Danserye"
> Hey great, thats really nice.

Thanks :-)

> > My transcriptions raises a few interesting questions regarding
> > ABC-versions of early music. Should we add barlines? How do we disern
> > between original and editorial accidentals? etc. etc. etc.
> > Anybody's views on those question are much apreciated.
> I usually use "#"A or "b"A to show editorial accidentals.

That's a very good idea. But the problem is that those editorial
accidentals won't play back. There are some places in Danserye where you
have to flatten a note to get any sense out of it at all.
In BarFly I suppose you could (ab)use the ornament macros function for
"invisible" accidentals - something like:

m: In = _n

But that wouldn't work with any other abc application.

> About the barlines, I would primarily say no, lets give the source as
> pure as possible, but maybe for the sake of usability just add a note:
> no barlines in the source.

Yes, that's probably what I'd do. Some of the pieces at Danserye is very
hard to figure out without any indication of where the beats are, so an
unbarred edition would be for specialists only.
In standard notation I solve the problem by adding some extra blank
space where the barlines would have been. Maybe I could do that in ABC
as well, replacing the barlines with y spacers...
Just as a curiosity: the most common modern printed edition of Danserye
actually presents all the basse dances in 4/4 time even though they
clearly are in triple time!

Frank Nordberg

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