> I would find it much better to write the music voice after voice.  It
> is not really possible to read the four voices in parallel in the abc
> text anyway

Not unless the source is laid out helpfully, but for this sort of
music it can be quite easily.  I haven't changed a note in Frank's
transcription, or made any changes to the generated staff notation,
to do this.  It does need a wider-than-80-column screen but nothing
very exotic.  You can see exactly which chord is being played at
every point.  I have yet to see a four-part hymn setting for which
this layout methodology won't work.

T:La mourisque
T:(Basse dansse 5)
C:Tielman Susato
S:Tileman Susato: Danserye (1551)
Z:Transcribed by Frank Nordberg - http://www.musicaviva.com
%This is a temporary version - please don't redistribute yet
N:adapted by Jack Campin to regularize the layout for vertical reading, use more
N:reasonable clefs, and to employ instruments that sound better on a small Mac
V:1 Program 1 68 alto % oboe
V:2 Program 1 68 alto % oboe
V:3 Program 1 70 bass % bassoon
V:4 Program 1 57 bass % trombone
R:Basse dance
V:1 E/ F/  G G G |G3  F |E  C  C  D |B,2  G,2 |E/ F/  G  G G |G3  F |E  C  C     D  
|G,2 G,2:|
V:2 C/ A,/ C C C |C3  A,|C  A, A, A,|G,2  B,2 |C/ A,/ C  C C |C3  A,|C  A, A,    B, 
|C2  C2 :|
V:3 G,/F,/ E,E,E,|E,3 F,|C, E, E, F,|D,2  D,G,|G,/F,/ E, E,E,|E,3 F,|C,>D, E,/C,/G, 
|E,2 E,2:|
V:4 C,/D,/ C,C,C,|C,3 D,|A,,A,,A,,D,|G,,2 G,,2|C,/D,/ C, C,C,|C,3 D,|A,,A,,A,,   
G,,|C,2 C,2:|
V:1 z E  E C  |C  D  E C  |F D  E C |C  D  B,2 |G, E  E C  |C  D  E C  |F D  E C |C  D 
V:2 z E, G,A, |A, E, G,C, |A,B, C C,|E, D, D,2 |D, E, E,A, |A, D, G,C, |A,B, C G,|A, 
G, E,2:|
V:3 z G, E,E, |F, F, E,A, |F,G, E,E,|A, F, G,2 |G, G, E,E, |F, F, E,A, |F,G, E,E,|E, 
D, C,2:|
V:4 z C, C,A,,|A,,B,,C,A,,|D,G,,C,C,|A,,D, G,,2|G,,C, 
W:  From Musica Viva - http://www.musicaviva.com
W:  the Internet center for free sheet music downloads.

This second example goes further, lining up corresponding beats both within
and between sections so you can compare chord progressions between them:

T:Mille regretz
C:Tielman Susato
Z:Transcribed by Frank Nordberg - http://www.musicaviva.com
%This is a temporary version - please don't redistribute yet
N:adapted by Jack Campin to regularize the layout for vertical reading
N:and to employ instruments that sound better on a small Mac
V:1 Program 1 74      % recorder
V:2 Program 1 46      % harp pretending to be a lute
V:3 Program 1 46 alto % harp pretending to be a lute
V:4 Program 1 33 bass % electric bass guitar pretending to be a theorbo
V:1 E4       |A2    A2  |G3    F/E/|D  C  D2  |C c  c  c |B2    A> B  |c>B  A2  |^G2  
V:2 B,4      |A,2   D2  |B,3   A,  |B, C  A,2 |C>D  E  F |G2    F2    |E E> C D | E2  
V:3 E4       |C2    F2  |E3    D/C/|B, E  FD  |E3      C |D  E  C2    |A,B, C A,| B,2 
V:4 E,4      |F,2   D,2 |E,3   F,  |G, A, D,2 |A,2  A, A,|G, E, F,>G, |A,G, F,2 | E,2 
V:1 c2  B  A |G A   A A |G E  F2   |E2    zB  |c2   A2   |B2    e2    |d c  B A |^G2  
V:2 G2  G  E |E E   F D |E E  D2   |G,2   G,2 |A,C> B, A,|G, G, C> B, |A,G, G E | E2  
V:3 E2  D  C |B,C   C A,|B,C2  B,  |C2    B,2 |E2   E2   |E3       E  |F E  D C | B,2 
V:4 C,2 G, A,|E,A,, F,F,|E,C, D,2  |C,2   E,2 |A,,2 A,,2 |E,2   C,2   |D,E, G,A,| E,2 
V:1 E2  G  G |D  d  d d |c2   B2   |A  A  A A |G2   F2   |E  E  G  E  |G2   E>F | G2  
V:2 G,2 G, G,|D> E  F G |E2   E2   |E  F  F F |E2   D2   |C  C  B, C  |B,2  C2  | B,2 
V:3 C2  B, G,|B,>C  D B,|C A,2 G,  |A, C  C C |C2   A,>B,|C  A, G, A, |G,2  A,2 | G,2 
V:4 C,2 E,>F,|G, G, D,G,|A,2  E,2  |A,,F, F,F,|C,2  D,2  |A,,A,,E, A,,|E,2  A,,2| E,2 
W:  From Musica Viva - http://www.musicaviva.com
W:  the Internet center for free sheet music downloads.

> and it is complicate to extract parts for playing.

This is a pretty trivial editing task, BarFly has most of this
functionality built in already, and it can't take more than a few
lines of some scripting/patternmatching language to achieve it.

Where do you get MIDI programs 2, 3 and 4 from?  Are they part of
Quicktime 5 or something?

Jack Campin  *   11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU, Scotland
tel 0131 660 4760  *  fax 0870 055 4975  *  http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack/
food intolerance data & recipes, freeware Mac logic fonts, and Scottish music

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