
Laura writes:
| >>>>> "John" == John Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|     John> Making "^#"A work is trivial with abc2ps.  You  find  the  code  that
|     John> parses  such  quoted  chord  symbols,  and  have it ignore an initial
|     John> circumflex. This is one line of C. I've done this in my abc2ps clone.
|     John> Making it handle "_#"A correctly is a bit trickier, since you have to
|     John> figure out how to position the "#" text string below the note.
| I'd actually settle for the "_#" being printed above the note, but
| without the _.  Which should be equally trivial; I didn't ask if it
| was hard; I asked if anyone had done it.

Yeah; that was what my first pass did.  This was just to verify  that
the  parse  was  correct  (and an above/below flag was set properly).
Then I worked on figuring out how to get "_foo" text positioned below
the  staff.  This still isn't perfect, because I don't quite grok how
the program positions things.  There ain't much documentation ...

One thing I would wonder is whether "^#" or "^^" would be better. For
flats,  it's more interesting, since "^b" and "_b" put the letter 'b'
on the page, and it'd be nicer to get a real flat symbol.   You'd  do
that  presumably  with  "^_"  and  "__".  Then there's the problem of
explaining this to a novice in simple words.

In any case, to abc2ps or any other formatter, the  fact  that  we're
putting  accidentals  above or below the note isn't very interesting.
It's just a chunk of text, with maybe some text being replaced with a
"funny"  character,  an  icon  of  some  sort.  So "^#" is really not
materially different from "^ff" or "^legato". But it might be nice to
recognize  special  strings like "_da segno" and replace "segno" with
the usual symbol.

And I'm still tempted to implement parens around accidentals.  Anyone
want to be the first on their block to do this?

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