Simon Wascher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> there is no reason to reject ::| and :::| notation as far as I see. 
> Additive complementary constructs (intriguing to me) could be:
> :<"text">|
> and
> :<numeral>|

<assume rest of proposal is included by reference>

I second this proposal.  I have a lot of pieces where :3| would be
extremely useful.  Right now, the alternatives are:

1) unroll the repeats (convert |: abcd :3| to |abcd|abcd|abcd|)
2) Turn the repeated section into a part, and use P:A3 to get the

Neither are particularly good.  The first both eats up lots of space
and hides what's really going on.  The second can get rediculously
complicated.  I have on piece which has several parts, each of which
would be :3|.  So I have P:A3B3C3D3E3F3, which is rediculous.

I would also like, if possible, to be able to do |: |: ... :3| |:
... :3| :3|, but I can probably live with P:(AB)3 in that case.

Buddha Buck                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"I will not die an ironic death" -- Scott Ian, lead singer for 
the metal band Anthrax, after bioterrorist attacks using anthrax.
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