John wrote:
| On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, James Allwright wrote:
| > My point is that missing out a start repeat is bad notation; an
| > anacrusis at the start of a piece generates ambiguity and I think you
| > will be hard pressed to find a music textbook that legitimizes the
| > process of missing off start repeats.
| >From The Norton Manual of Music Notation, First Edition (Heussenstamm,
| 1987):
| "If a passage is to be repeated from the beginning of a piece, only one
| repeat sign is needed."

Yup; and there ain't a whole lot  you're  gonna  do  to  fight  this,
unless  you  can somehow get control of all ABC software and add code
to make it illegal.

But on to a related, but new subject:  A more seious problem  is  the
common  practice of omitting initial bar lines even when it's not the
start of a repeat.  This is another case where we can't fight it, but
we could put subtle (or unsubtle) social pressure to change.

I've run across this in the attempt to write code that does  matching
on  the  first  few bars of a tune.  The source of the problem is the
question of whether the notes before the first bar line are a  pickup
or part of the tune.

This is important, because pickups are notoriously variable. You want
to exclude them from the match, because they will rarely match.  What
you want is to ignore them completely.

But how does a piece of code recognize a pickup?  The obvious  answer
is  that  a "pickup" is all the notes before the first bar line.  But
this doesn't work, because people often omit the first bar line  when
there's  no  pickup.   You  end  up  treating the first full bar as a
pickup, which isn't what you want.

So obviously, you count those notes, and if they're a full  bar,  you
treat them as such?  Not quite. It doesn't take much digging to learn
that people are especially sloppy about their  first  bars,  and  the
note lengths often don't add up right.  You end up rejecting a lot of
what should have been full bars because of this.  Sometimes it's  not
even  sloppiness; sometimes the first bar starts with a rest.  Hardly
anyone ever writes such rests, and the  resulting  first  bar  really
does look like a pickup.

This is a problem for live musicians, too, in some styles.  At  least
it  is  to musicians who feel the difference between pickup notes and
real melody notes. (And they'll likely get you in deeper, by pointing
out  that  in some cases, the pickup is an important part of the tune
which shouldn't be ignored.  ;-)

Another heuristic would be to say that an apparent pickup before  the
first bar is treated as melody if it's more than 1/2 of a measure. In
the past couple weeks, I've transcribed  several  counterexamples  to
this.  One was a tango, in 4/4 time, with 5/8 of a measure as pickup.
This is not  at  all  unusual  in  tangos.   Another  example  was  a
tarantella,  in  6/8  time,  with  4/6  of  a  measure  as  a pickup.
Tarantellas often have long pickups, sometimes 5/6 of the measure.

So in both of these styles, even if the initial  bunch  of  notes  is
only  one  tiny  note  short  of  a full measure, it might still be a
pickup.  Or it might be the first measure, which starts with  a  rest
that  was  omitted.  Or it could be incorrect note lengths due to the
usual sloppy typing.

So the obvious heuristics all have glaring counterexamples. What I've
done so far is shrug and stick with my initial rule:  Anything before
the first bar line is a pickup, and is ignored.  If  someone  doesn't
write that first bar line, well, my code won't match their tune.

The ideal solution would be for abc users to adopt the same policy. I
can pretty much guess what are the chances of that ever happening. As
I've noted before, we have a population of users who  can't  even  be
bothered  to  type  "X:1"  at  the start of their tunes.  And lots of
printed music omits all initial bar lines, even for  first  measures.
The publishers don't care whether this causes problems.

Oh, well; pattern matches don't have to be perfect to be useful.

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