On 14 Oct 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi Barry, I agree about putting things in the V: header (or other
> headers).  V: makes sense for type specific things.
> I disagree about removing the [] in front of the lines for voice
> change.  The reason is that, for instance abcd is a valid voice name
> in the new standard and is also valid tune body, so the parser has to
> work a lot harder (slower) to get this to work.

I dont see the problem. The first token following The V: tag must be 
a label. In multivoice a V: tag without a label is useless. for a 
single voice, that voice would either have the label defined in the 
tuneheader or none.

I do not like the unnecessary proliferation of inline fields of 
ABC2.0. I fear it will lead to more syntax errors.
Barry Say
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