On 16 Oct 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > I do not like the unnecessary proliferation of inline fields of
> > ABC2.0.
> I don't think its unnecessary.  If you want to change clefs in mid
> line, for instance.  I don't like using the K: field to indicate cleff
> since most of the tunes that use the V: field to date don't specify a
> K: for each V: (as I mentioned in the documentation of iabc).  That
> is, most people expect voices to 'inherit' the key specified in the K:
> field. To subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:
> http://www.tullochgorm.com/lists.html

My major objection to inline fields is encapsulated in the statement 
from ABC2.0 rev IV


To avoid ambiguity, inline fields that specify music properties 
should be repeated in each voice. For example,

[V:1] C4|[M:3/4]CEG|Gce|
[V:2] E4|[M:3/4]G3 |E3 |


the need to align the meter change in every voice seems a great 
problem in parsing. What action does the program take when one voice 
out of eight does not align.

ABC 2.0 states

For backward compatibility, it is still allowed to notate tune fields 
on a line by themselves, between the music lines:

ed|cecA B2ed|cAcA E2ed|cecA B2ed|c2A2 A2:|
AB|cdec BcdB|ABAF GFE2|cdec BcdB|c2A2 A2:|


If we are considering multivoice notation, this seems a far more 
sensible way to notate global key and meter changes than having to 
match inline fields in all voices.

Barry Say
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