Le Wed, 20 Feb 2008 11:22:53 +0100,
"Kai Sterker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> Why would a adonthell-devel package be required to build a wastesedge
> package? The wastesedge configure script only checks for the presence
> of the adonthell binary and whether it is sufficiently recent. This is
> part of the normal package, so that should be enough.
> > rpmlint is complaining (once again) because the doc of the API is
> > not UTF-8. As it is generated by doxygen, I don't know how to
> > correct this.
> A quick look at the doxygen manual didn't yield any clues how to set a
> specific output encoding.
Yeah, I could only find a "USE_WINDOWS_ENCODING" option but it didn't
seem to work.

> > Finally, I'm having trouble selecting the header files to include
> > in the RPM. Some packaging guru told me that "rpmlint should tell
> > me which one to choose but it doesn't because the Makefile doesn't
> > install them the right way".
> They are not installed at all, I believe. To do that, you would have
> to put something like
> pkgincludeadonthelldir = $(pkgincludedir)/adonthell
> pkgincludeadonthell_HEADERS = ...
> int src/Makefile.am and list all header files there.
> But once again, it should not be necessary to create a devel package
> (unless this is some weird requirement of rpm or Fedora)
Huh ? Wastesedge doesn't need the header files of adonthell for
building ? My mistake then. I thought adonthell was a library, so
wastesedge would need the binaries to run, and the headers to build...

Sorry for bothering, I only misunderstood :)

Thanks for the hints


> Kai
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