On Feb 20, 2008 10:51 AM, Mathieu Bridon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's me again !
> I'm having troubles with the devel package for adonthell (necessary for
> building the wastesedge package).

Why would a adonthell-devel package be required to build a wastesedge
package? The wastesedge configure script only checks for the presence
of the adonthell binary and whether it is sufficiently recent. This is
part of the normal package, so that should be enough.

> rpmlint is complaining (once again) because the doc of the API is not
> UTF-8. As it is generated by doxygen, I don't know how to correct this.

A quick look at the doxygen manual didn't yield any clues how to set a
specific output encoding.

> Finally, I'm having trouble selecting the header files to include in the
> RPM. Some packaging guru told me that "rpmlint should tell me which one
> to choose but it doesn't because the Makefile doesn't install them
> the right way".

They are not installed at all, I believe. To do that, you would have
to put something like

pkgincludeadonthelldir = $(pkgincludedir)/adonthell
pkgincludeadonthell_HEADERS = ...

int src/Makefile.am and list all header files there.

But once again, it should not be necessary to create a devel package
(unless this is some weird requirement of rpm or Fedora)


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